
fishes in surprising places

Pro Angler #2 (Lake trout)


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

3 Years
11-03-2024, 11:42 AM

It took a lot to really impress her, though that said much more about how she struggled to relate to other than it did about anything else. It was hard to feel really awed by wolves when she felt so strangely distant from them, so other. If anything, she was far more preoccupied with how she seemed to Katsuro- had she been appreciative enough? Too gluttonous? Too emotionless? The latter was something she knew she struggled with, but she didn't want to give a bad impression of the Armada. Imagining him going home, wherever home might be, and telling a tale of his good deed going unappreciated by an Armada wolf... she nearly shuddered at the thought.

He introduced himself then, as a wolf of Tojo-Kai. Not a pack she knew much about- they were a reclusive group, but she knew little else about them. He offered to help her collect more fish, and she felt she could only nod and warily accept his offer of help. "If you insist," she managed dumbly. Was he only offering out of obligation? Or genuine care? A more familiar wolf she might ask, but she didn't know how. Giving her head a little shake, she tried to rid herself of those thoughts, knowing she'd just drive herself mad wondering and trying to get inside his head.

A place she certainly hadn't been invited to. Better focus on what they were doing and not what he was thinking or feeling.

"Good idea," she applauded him as he dug at the frozen ground, digging with obvious determination until he found a worm deep beneath the soil. Once he extracted it, he tossed it into the water and then came the waiting. The fish didn't seem interested at first, but after a long moment a few began to stir. One by one they begin to move closer to the surface, Tethys fixing her attention on a nice fat one that dove swiftly toward the worm. Managing to cut it off before it consumed their bite, she dove face-first into the cold water, eyes closing when she felt her teeth sink around its flopping body. Success! She emerged soaked halfway down her throat, giving the fish a good squeeze before tossing it onto the shore. She just hoped she'd moved quickly enough that her hunting partner would have a chance to snatch up one of his own too.