
Our own Discovery




Expert Navigator (140)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
11-04-2024, 05:32 PM

Speech // thought

She heard her son muse quietly to himself, wondering what had happened to the humans long ago.

"Despite all my studies, I haven't figured that out yet." She admitted. Ignita always wanted her children to believe that they could learn something new, no matter how old or knowledgeable they were. She wanted to instill a thirst for endless knowledge that drives them to understand the world around them. To help them shift perspectives and see the world through another's eyes. Empathy and forethought were pillars of her teachings.

She smiled at his whispered voice about finding a relic, yes that could be a wonderful result to their adventure here! They were here to scout out the tunnels and search for a resource.

She watched his brilliant shining blue eyes consider the options. A bright smile stretched her lips as he gave a solid answer and a solid reason! She nodded and allowed him to take the lead, the lantern was about to come in handy while she carried the rucksack. The flickering light cast shadows over the cavern walls. Something caught her eye that made her pause.

"Iska! Come with the lantern, my Love, look!" She had stopped over a strange image on the wall. If the lantern was closer to the left of the image the legs of a wolf would be outstretched. If the lantern was on the right, the image would show the wolf's legs together. If the lantern was swung back and forth over the painting, it looked like the wolf was running!

She put the lantern down, her own tail swinging back and forth! "Iska! It's a moving picture! Fascinating! I've never seen this before!" Her excitement bubbled forth like a wellspring of awe. But this wasn't what they were looking for!

"Let's keep this in mind, maybe is a good landmark to navigate with. Have you found anything yourself, little Love?" She asked, returning to him the lantern.

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]