
Peace or Tranquility? [open]


03-12-2013, 05:40 PM

Blue, sapphire orbs peered out from a skull of misted silver. Her tail strong and lean batted back and forth, she had no problems, no worries, no cares, only the total peace and serenity that being a loner had provided her. She realized now that her time outside the cages of confinement were what she had truly been missing... never in her life had she felt truly free until a few short months ago... a year ago she never would have been caught watching rivers, it would have made her to anxious, to nervous to sit still. But now... the babbling of the brook, the whispers of birds in the trees... all of it felt soothing on her battered soul, a balm of the most beautiful kind.

She stretched out on the warm rock, watching as fishes battled one another playfully in the crystalline waters. Flashes of beautiful scales had her mesmerized and never could she remember feeling so relaxed, so at peace with her own demons, her own nightmares... maybe she could make peace with Valhalla. She did not wish to return, but their feelings toward her would no doubt be less than pleasant... no... they had never seen her as one of their own, returning would only fuel more bitterness both on her side and theirs.

It was better this way, and so with a gentle huff, and a flickering of her eyelids, she drifted off into a light sleep, letting the rivers carry away her worries.
