
Ghosts of the Past



12-26-2013, 11:21 PM

Fermin would smirk at the girls' response, stating how she would not have been able to make something like this, and if she could she would make a den so big no one would be able to match it, and that she wouldn't leave it. He would chuckle at this, giving a small shake of his head in amusement. Miss Nentoya seemed like a good woman, her attitude one he wished he could find in others he ran into, really made his day better being able to interact with a friendly soul. Silently he would watch her stand up and trot away, moving a few feet further down the hall, examining the place.

With a low grunt the man would follow, pushing himself up and slowly following behind her. Blue orbs would travel up the left wall, looking over the blocks of stone and a pelt looking object torn higher up. He would come to a stop beside the young woman, his gaze focusing on the same story as her. He would sit back down, carefully taking in the images of animals standing on two legs like birds, but used their front limbs to hold objects. Very interesting, especially seeing them on top of female deer with a sturdier build.

Aranya would decide it was two-legs hunting, and how they were grand for being able to hunt so many animals at once. "Being able to hunt many animals is not always a good thing Miss Netonya." He would saying a low tone, head turning to look at her, but without a smile this time, instead holding a more serious expression. "Do you know why it isn't a good thing?" He wondered if she knew why, understood that you only take what you can eat and not waste a single thing.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3