
For Your Mother



7 Years
12-27-2013, 01:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2013, 01:05 PM by Nako.)
Nako adjusted the warm rodent in his jaws and set his gaze down towards the bottom of his family's tree-studded hillside. Prefect, this would be the ultimate test to see if he had mastered the art of catching small prey. And with a toss of his head the juvenile sent the mouse wiggling away down between the trees. Snow sprayed as he took off after the toyed with rodent, the youngsters mismatched eyes never leaving it's scurrying form as it tried to get away in it's rattled state. A except when it rounded it's way into a crack underneath a boulder, Nako skidding to a halt and gave a curious pawing of the rock. He looked up and saw Seracia's new alpha, Loccian, striding towards the barely visible field showing between the gaps in the trees.

Curiosity got the better of him, as well as the chance to talk to a friendly face, and Nako started off with a stumble as he took to following her. Still getting the hang of walking in the snow and having to widen his paws for traction, the winter long grass helping though. Nako blinked at the sudden haze the dribbed down from the top of his vision then looked up, a smile creasing his muzzle at the sight of snow falling from the sky coupled with the sounds of the trees creaking in a mountain breeze. Peaceful... truly peaceful. And as Nako trudged his way through the field to Loccian he couldn't help but feel that some of the magic was lost when he realized where the two were standing. The pack burial grounds... Nako had been here once before when his father had gone missing, and to say the least was relieved that his sire's scent had remained absent from the covered earth. The half Seracian looked down and then up at Loccian and pointed out a strange fact. They're were tlowers only on five of the six the grass patches.

"There are six patches of grass, one for each of our fallen right? Didn't get enough flowers for the small one right there?" Nako wistfully inquired with a jerk of his muzzle. "Who's here?"