
What I've Done


12-27-2013, 07:50 PM
Seracia wolves?

Malia sat happily on her rump as she stared at the range that she now called home. Her mixed color coat wasn't trying to sneak around like some Ninja Wolf, but instead she was sitting happily and staring off into the distance like any new clergy with some sense might go off and do. She loved the scenery and just attempted to take it all in. Her sleek coat was bellowing slightly into the wind as she watched forward. She had met very few wolves of Seracia, and part of her wished that someone else might enjoy the scenery with her. After all, the winter sunrise was beautiful. They should all be up, she noted, since the early wolf caught the hares. Even if they weren't all hunters, lone wolf life starts early and she had only known lone wolf.

Malia licked her lips slightly as she sniffed around for some food to hunt. As much as she loved the sunset, she couldn't sit on her rump all day. Malia was calm as she caught the scent of more hares. There are a ton of hares now! She told herself as she stalked them slowly and carefully. She was up on her haunches to prevent much disruption on the earth. Every step could be felt by woodland creatures if you weren't careful. She ran after them, leaping and she landed on three of them. It was a lucky shot, but she seemed full of luck lately. She killed them all and watched as the rest escaped her right before she was to reach them. A small hiss was omitted from her. Her eyes narrowed, but she remained calm. She wasn't a happy go lucky wolf when she hunted, she was serious and cool mannered when she was in the brink of prey.