
Rainbow Veins



12-27-2013, 09:32 PM

As she knew he would, as she knew he always would, her husband would follow her. She knew that she had him to count on should ever any occasion arise. He was her rock that she built herself up on, the one she could lean on when she felt weak. She could tell him anything about everything and he would still listen intently. She could not imagine living with out him by her side, and she knew that he felt the same about her. She would bring herself back one year, to a day that had changed her life forever. The day she had met her true love.
She would lean forward into their embrace, she would let him overwhelm her as her pulled his head over her neck. She would breathe in his scent and let herself forget everything but him. He was her center, her gravity, the one who tugged at her soul. The one who she'd given her heart. Her face would draw into a grin as her eyes slid shut. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than the day I married you. She could feel the chill upon her as she had that day. Their first embrace, while she had been soaking wet he had been the gentleman to keep her warm and away from the harsh wind. She had no intentions of repeating that part of their day.
With only the light of the moon the woman would start to sway, hoping that her coal black knight would indeed dance underneath the lunar rock's rays.
