
Two hearts are better than one


12-27-2013, 09:46 PM

Ares and Devya

A smile pulled back her lips, her face would press into his neck. Relief flooded her knowing that he was better, she only wished that she had been able to by his side during his illness, but he had hidden himself away from. "I'm glad. You should have told me though, i could have helped." Her words would scold him lightly, vibrant eyes pinning him with a stare. But it was all quickly replaced with happiness that he was well again.

She could sense his hesitation as he slowly returned her kisses, uncertainty surrounding him. In an attempt to encourage him, a playful growl would rumble in her throat, her tail thumping against the earth. His words brought her triangular audits forward, his breath hot against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Hid warmth surrounded her, causing a reaction that was foreign to her to flare up in her belly. She didn't understand the feeling, the only thing she knew was she craved his touch. She would shift slightly, pressing herself closer to him, wanting nothing more.

ooc- short post sucks, sorry :(