
I see you [Joining Glaciem]


12-27-2013, 10:39 PM

Violet eyes narrowed as she watched the other woman. The other wolf took a deep breath before answering the dames inquiry, and Roman felt her ears bend forward with slight interest in the conversation. As she had expected, another wolf was seeking entrance to the grand empire that was Glaciem. Sinking back on her haunches, she relaxed ever so slightly, though did not speak directly in response to the reply the woman had offered. She went on to introduce herself, and Roman stored her name away, deep in her memory. Nytiri.

"Roman Armada, my father, Isardis Armada is the alpha of this empire. Tell me Nytiri, should you become a friend to our empire, what do you offer us for the sake of our family and protection?"

The question was important to Roman, she didn't like the idea of useless people, and though few wolves outside their blood stood to the might of the Armada line, she wasn't to keen on the idea of sharing the greatness of the empire with scum. No, this Nytiri would convince Roman of her worth, and perhaps it was unlucky for the other white wolf that Roman had stumbled upon her, since she was perhaps one of the hardest wolves to please.
