
blood red dreams [Nausica]


12-28-2013, 12:05 AM

She could feel the anger of her daughter. Her reasons were valid but she needed to know why. To know what had happened to her to make her presence in their life so minimal. She had been through hell and back to live for them, to provide for them. Her ears twitched as she took in a deep sigh as she looked at her beautiful daughter. She was so alone wasn?t she? Why did her children never stay together? Even when kaios had been around they had never stayed around each other.

?I am sorry your life has been so isolated.? She said finally, her eyes held sympathy but no regret. No, she had done what she could to provide a life for them. A safe one. ?I was dealing with a wolf trying to take my life. You and your siblings were the only reason I am alive. You were my reason for fighting for my life and making sure I was able to return to you.? She said simply. Medusa had been hell bent on killing her and Cerberus has granted her life once again. She had avoided death a second time. She was unsure how many times she could dodge the reaper.