

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-12-2013, 06:25 PM

jupiter illidais

as aztec ventured away from the focal point of the gathering, jupiter would only allow her eyes to linger for a moment before her attention was drawn elsewhere, not to return to the creature even when a very slight snarl was flicked from her direction. she had nothing to fear if mercury was not bristling, so whatever its cause, it was not directed toward the alpha.

her orbs lingered on the alabaster-pelted wolf that had claimed to be a healer for a little while, examining his posture and such. she opened her mouth, as if she were about to suggest something or speak, and then shook her head with a very quiet chuckle, sweeping her gaze onward. jupiter had been about to make some sort of witty joke, but had decided against it for the sake of time. as her attentions shifted, in came another creature, this one of ashen pelt and lighter stripes. he was utterly dwarfed by jupiter, especially at her elevated perch, and a curious smirk crossed her face. even the way the male moved seemed feminine. no matter what reality offered, jupiter decided that she would forever more exaggerate his movements in her own eyes and see him as a skipping girl.

"a hunter, for now, and at some point i will put your fighting skills under examination in the possibility that you could be a warrior," she responded, flashing him a grin as she caught a slight whim of his hidden meaning, eyes narrowing with what could either be humor or spite, though the first was more likely.

her optics wandered, she she spied the two close creatures from earlier, cetotorah and luana, and pondered over what she would do with them. luana had earlier replied to her introduction, and jupiter chose now to introduce herself. "a pleasure to have you. for being young, the both of your are well behaved. actually, you two, step up, loves," she mused in a friendly manner, ears pushing forward as she nodded to them. she paused, not bothering to wait for whether they complied or not, considering the thought that had just crossed her mind. "you have boasted no particular skill as of yet, which gives me cause for a rank i have not decided upon until now." another hesitation, a thoughtful expression crossing her countenance. "should you be interested in a particular rank, such as lunav or being warrior, known as iridia, be not afraid to speak up, but otherwise... i have it in mind to dub you both under the rank of orbita--supporters of sort. not jack of all trades, but rather in between the other ranks until you find your niche or calling. how does this sit with you?"

the lass offered a dip of her head as aria accepted the rank, genuinely relieved that she pressed the matter of a high rank further. jupiter would not begrudge her for her ambition, but would possibly try and teach her to be a little more subtle about it. it were good for the two wolves who had requested a high rank that the injured creature were not a being of extreme paranoia or suspicion. had she been of that state of mind, she would have undoubtedly immediately driven them away, with force if it would be required, fearing conspiracy against her rank. yes, she would definitely have to teach them both some sort of subtleties at a later date.

the orange-pelted dame took a deep breath, looking about once more. after their responses, she decided that she would begin the most boring part--the rules overview. even she dreaded it, but hopefully they all understood that it had to be done. if not, whatever-god-existed give her fortune and a replenished bank of patience.

? 626 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
definitely not my best post, i'm sorry, guys. anyway, as far as posting order goes; i will not insist on having one, but i will insist that you do not reply twice within the time between a jupiter post. i will also not respond until everyone already present has replied, and to give everyone a fair chance to reply but still keep things moving, i'll wait about a day or so after my last post to continue on without those who haven't responded. thank you. c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.