
Space to Run



7 Years
12-28-2013, 12:45 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

A quick chuckle slipped from the complacent wolf as she glanced at her husband, feeling his foreleg slide along her back in a gesture of comfort. Having Bane close and knowing his feelings for her simply by the fact he was there and so supportive about everything that they did, but it was another to hear it from him directly. It brought her smile around more fully, more confidently, as she closed her eyes and relaxed more fully as her mate's paw continued to trail along her spine.

His assessment of the pups seemed spot on too. They were growing so quickly and their intake reflected it, a fact she was well aware of and grateful that their diet was expanding. And she could hardly wait to see them learning to fend for themselves, to see which of their parents the youngsters would take after as far as hunting habits went. She hoped somewhat proudly that one of them would excel in fishing as she did, and had her eye on Anais as Bane had suggested already. But she was so impatient most of the time, Tahlia was certain it would take a while and a lot of patience for her to learn, traits she was curious to know whether either of the boys would possess from the start. "Doesn't it?" she murmured wistfully as he remarked upon her idea of a trip to the lake, leaning into him as he rested his head atop hers. Such fun they would have! And it would be a good place for her to see who might have inherited her talents, if any of them had, as well.

Her thoughts were still full of the pups and the eventual trip the family would take when Bane spoke to her, gently massaging her ear within his teeth as he waited. The ear he had taken in his jaws twitched lightly as she considered, before she spoke. "I believe I chose this activity," she answered, opening her eyes to turning her head slightly and peer upward at him as best she could from that angle. "Perhaps you would like to choose the next?"