


12-28-2013, 02:36 AM
Why was it his family could not gather to empower one another? They were royals, supposedly their family was one of greatness, and yet both generations were in a constant tug of war, and he knew that if Ares did not falter, did not give in to their sister's wishes, he would be pulled into a fight to the death just as their parents had been. He would respond to his sister's summon for their brother, slinking onto the field, and watching with colorless eyes as she laid down the law. A tiny smirk ebbed onto one side of his dark lips, he admired her tenacity. And yet he believed that Ares could be swayed with words, he was family - at least, to him. But if this continued, why would he keep it? What reason did he have to believe that their name held anything for him but imprisonment? But despair?
He could not fault Artemis for her need to possess their brother, because a part of him felt they should be a unit as well... and so he would watch, siding with neither and for once in his life goading no one. Too captured by the power struggle, and finally - quieted by the news of his mother's death. She had not survived the fight? She had not bested their father? He had expected so much, so much from her - she to him was stability, she was power. Although it would not break through his visage, he was shaken by the loss. It was then that he decided that he hated Seraphim, despite the stance of neutrality he had taken with the man, he could no longer forgive him. Morphine was gone, the queen was gone, and that left their family weakened. They would truly have to start over - but would he place his trust in Artemis or Ares? He couldn't help but favor his sister, but there was a void with Ares that he wanted to fill before he damned him. "Come on Ares, you're better off taking the easy route." He would finally say, standing beside Artemis, leaving space between them should either decide they wanted to fight. "The woman is cute, but she's not family." He would glance at the dark female, this must have been the bitch that insulted their family - she couldn't have had a clue what she was getting into when she did. 'Why would you pick her over your own sister?' It struck a nerve, every single time.