Cure my mind.
Healing Seasonal.
Novice Healer (15)
Intermediate Fighter (40)
Meditation was never fond of Sagittarius, and it seemed to only frustrate that of Sagittarius even more. She felt the compassion drift from Pythia, a part of her always feeling closer to the sister whom was blind, but never allowing it to effect herself or anyone around her. Pythia was stronger than most of the siblings it seemed. Pythia seemed to understand Sagittarius more than the others, making their bond even stronger. Some could say that they appeared to be the best of friends out of all the others. And in fact - that didn't bother Sagittarius at all. But she wanted that bond with all of her siblings.
Soaking in the information her sister offered to Sagittarius, every single sentance that flowed from her sister offered more intell for Sagittarius. A sense of self came to herself as she began to feel a slow steady rumble of a hum to slip threw her vocal cords. Vibrating threw her throat as she sat there, her little eyes closing slowly as she smiled, soon the hums would end. Worry seemed to slip off of Sagittarius slowly. Small steps was all that it took. But worry began to boil within her mind again. Taking in a deep breath and allowing it to filter out slowly.
The sister's breathing seemed to help a lot, as she drew another breath in, this one was deeper than before. Repeating over and over again, birds seemed to sing their songs around the siblings.Sagittarius didn't want to be the sibling that worried all the time, but now she felt better. Opening her eyes as words began to pour out softly. "It's just everything happening, it's rustling my feathers." She laughed, how she worded. A soft laughter at that, and calm.