a hot house flower to your outdoorsmen
11-18-2024, 06:02 PM
Her brother. He looked to be of a different palette entirely, but now that he said it, Finch could see the similarities in build. Calliope was a bit sturdier, but he was made of the same stuff. "Oh," she said, after a moment of consider, "Her brother - yes, I see it. Very nice to meet you." That's what good little birds said, right? Finch was still playing it careful with Calliope. It was a narrow tightrope act to stay on her good side, but she was finding that she did like when she had the pastel Raid Queen's attention. As long as that attention remained positive.
Being polite to her brother, then, seemed like a necessity. Who knew what kind of relationship they had? Finch was so close to her sister that she still found herself idly looking over her shoulder, expecting Jay to be there. She had no idea how all of Raider kin interacted with each other - this, she realized, was a problem. If she was going to weasel her way out of here using her wits, she needed to gather as much information as possible.
Oh. Cannabis. Finch eyed the pipe with a vague amount of suspicion. She'd heard of it. Once when she was a pup, she'd stumbled on some growing wild in the Range and Corvus had shooed her away from it. She knew it altered the mind, but not how or why. "Is it... just those things?" She asked, taking a cautious sniff of the extended pipe. The smell was heady and funky, like nothing she'd ever scented before, and it made her wrinkle her nose. Even as she was tempted to recoil from the smell, a stabbing hunger pang lanced through her side. If it helped her symptoms... "Could you tell me how it will do those things? Help my appetite, cure my nausea?" Finch stared at the smoking pipe reproachfully. She'd try anything at this point to choke down some food. As she was debating with herself, another fierce pain tightened her stomach enough that she visibly winced.
"W-well, shoot," she said, "if it'll work, I'll try anything." Then she leaned forward, delicately took the pipe in her lips, and deeply, deeply inhaled.
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