
My devil danced with his demon.


12-28-2013, 05:33 PM

After a short wait an alabaster femme would arrive, sporting interesting markings upon her flawless coat. She introduced herself curtly as Roman, a half sister of the petite femme, it appeared. She looked to the man, inquiring an already established topic. With a light chuckle, the rusty brown lass was calm with replying. "If he wasn't, I sure as hell wouldn't be this calm." She replied sarcastically, turning her orchid gaze upon the strange half sibling she never knew she had. Returning her gaze to the male, she rattled off the information she knew about him easily, her gaze never leaving his. Muted pink optics were scrutinizing, flicking over his frame as she spoke. "He says he can hunt, track, fight, and fish. As well, he says he needs minimal food and sleep." She added with a humourless chuckle, taking on last long look at the male before she turned to the strange woman, who was much taller than she was. She had just turned their entire friendly conversation into a bulleted list of useful attributes in the man, without so much as a ruffle in her thick russet pelt. She hadn't survived as a runt for nothing, she was equipped with acting skills that could convince the strongest of skeptics that the world was indeed flat if she so wished. The ivory masked she wolf watched her half sister's tattooed face, waiting for someone to say something.
