
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]


12-28-2013, 06:02 PM

The fire furred oddity watched the transpirings, intrigued by the smooth inner workings of this pack, which had just so recently fallen under the leadership of this petite cream woman. Interesting. The femme in question addressed the giantess kindly, informing her that Anthem was her brother, which brought them closer in relation. A soft smile curved her dark lips as she chuckled in response. Just as quickly she continued, pausing to smile up at the she knight. What interested her? Well, she needed to learn how to fight properly against wolves, she had no experience in that field. She was an expert at battling the creatures back home, but here these wolves were different, they had much more bulk and were low to the ground. "I am a knight of sorts, but I am new to fighting with the lupines of this region. If Senora would find a way for me to learn such arts, I would much appreciate it." She replied sheepishly, hating to admit she could not protect the crown she dared to bow to. Her short ivory tail wagged a few times at her rear, giving away her emotions at the moment.

A dark wolf retrieved the youngster who spoke of seeking out her mother, Jupiter. The noise attracted her attentions, and the woman lifted herself to her full height while turning to watch the goings on with deep violet eyes. The alabaster woman who had volunteered to search alongside the youngster was told to go anyways, and she disappeared into the dark mangrove. How strange, the fiery lass wondered what had become of the previous Sol. She looked over her shoulder, dark purple optics scanning the face of her new ruler to see what kind of reaction these events had upon her.

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