
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-28-2013, 06:37 PM

Aegira glanced over to find a familiar face--Deteste. A smile touched her lips as she saw him, her audits flicking at his words, but she was hesitant. She looked back to Song with hopeful eyes, waiting, watching, only for another to speak up first--Aurora. With her single statement and her willingness to step up first, the ivory lass worked her way to gaining Aegira's trust. She turned her gaze back up to the new Ludicael alpha and waited.

Disappointment crashed down hard on Aegira as Song left the others to do the work of looking for her mother. Her fur immediately bristled and her bi-colored optics narrowed. For a long moment she was silent before her nose wrinkled and her lip curled with disgust. "The pack that is doing little for her over the individual that did everything for it. I see now." Her words were harsh and biting, her mood turning completely on a dime. "I would have thought you better than that, Song. But I guess even my low expectations were too high." Immediately, Aegira turned to Deteste, nodding to him and joining him, beginning to walk away, but then she turned her head to announce over her shoulder:

"Have fun doing her dirty work, you all. It seems like you'll be doing a lot of it when she can't take care of the important things herself." And with that, she departed behind Deteste, leaving her path unaltered by voice or dialogue, her leave only being able to be stopped by force should they so choose. No one would get in the way of her finding her mother and letting her know exactly how the tables had turned.

{ exit aegira unless physically stopped }