Petals and thorns
Obscure Healing expansion
11-20-2024, 08:53 PM
This little side mission to help his sister and pack mates with finding and collecting herbs seemed to have gone very well. Tira seemed pleased at least and he trusted her judgement with these things. Once they found enough plants and at least proof of a wide variety of them they wrapped up their little mission of exploration and fact finding. While not his usual range of tasks, he was always more than happy to help his sister out. If nothing else it got him more familiar with the land that they were looking to claim and call their own. He nodded with understanding and agreement once Tira gave them the all clear to head back and he dipped his head to Scylla as well with a little grin as she thanked them for their help. All in a days work, he supposed.
"Arcturus Indarra"