
Peace or Tranquility? [open]


03-12-2013, 07:00 PM

Luce's tail, a languid every moving structure flickered this way and that. Lazily draping over the edge of the rock and picking back up to float ceaselessly in the air. The snapping of pads against the earth caught her ears and lazily they flickered forward watching with renewed interest as the small life form charged towards the lake. He was young and obviously quite upset. Luce herself could understand such things. She had terrible mood swings of violence, but in a creature so young fits of rage seemed quite out of character, at least this intense, and he was alone, abandoned out here in forgotten lands where any misbegotten beast could swallow him whole. Poor thing.

She watched him, head still resting upon the rock, but icy blue eyes keen upon him. He charged into the icy waters, rage consuming his shaking frame and she blinked. What had upset the poor creature so? Even a dame like she had a soft spot for pups. Finally he seemed to notice her and took a moment of silence, he approached her rock almost timidly and she smiled gently, her eyes glittering with interest. She was gorgeous, most everyone starred as they should. Luce knew she was stunning, but this was but a pup and she needed to calm her vanity.

She remained reclined, relaxed. His gentle voice reaching her audits with ease as he approached her. Her tail, still flickering behind her, she dipped her head out of respect, a gentle gleam in her brightly colored gaze.

"Bonjour." Her voice was a gorgeous soprano but heavy with a French accent. She could speak the language of love perfectly, but knew better than to default as such to the small pup. "What is your name love? Who has upset you so?" She purred as sweet as honey, everything about her screamed for him to draw closer, to relax with her, to trust her. She was masterful in her deceit.
