


01-09-2014, 06:53 PM
A twinkle of amusement flashed across her features as Udosa struggled with the rain. They had only just met and she was already growing fond of the strangely colored fae and her antics. She could remember days when she and her young siblings would play in the rain and be told by their father that they would catch their death. She had been so fascinated with the raindrops then, each one leaving a different pattern on the dry earth below.
She remembered the stern but loving amber eyes of her father, looking down with amusement and pride at her when she acted so foolishly. Melody allowed her eyes to refocus on the dame standing in front of her, her face changing to a blank and emotionless slate. Flamesong had left them. And he was gone now, likely dead. No reason to get her hopes up.
"Thank you kindly, Udosa, but I'm afraid it won't be necessary. He is probably long gone from here, I was simply entertaining the idea." She swiftly rose from her sitting position and shook her pelt away from the femme. They might as well take advantage of the rain and do something fun while they were in the plains. It certainly would get her mind off of the scent that lingeres in her senses. Melody nodded to herself and glanced quickly at Udosa, a twinkle in her eye.
Melody gave the girl a devilish grin and stooped to her forepaws in a playful position, an unlikely image to see while thunder rolled dangerously ahead.
"Lets play a game! We'll race to the tree at the next bark of thunder, and whoever is back to this spot first wins! They win...uh..." She had no idea what she was doing, or what she meant to reward a winner with but she felt entirely ridiculous. It was times like these that Melody felt she was lacking, times to just let go and see where the wind would take her. She continued looking at the dame and hoped that she would know how to finish her sentence, and that she would take part in her game.