
Bond of Discovery



9 Years
01-09-2014, 07:34 PM

A sigh of boredom left his lips. The pack seemed to have dulled down some the past few weeks, and he constantly found himself with nothing to do. Today, he found himself wandering the territory in search of someone to play with or something to do. His mother was always busy, and he wasn't quite sure what his brother and sister were up to, so perhaps he would go out and see what his other siblings were doing. He hadn't really gotten a chance to get to know the others save for Irune, nor any of his other family for that matter. Hopefully, someone would be willing to play or explore or do something around here. The snow was amusing and all, but it got boring when there was nobody to share the fun with.

He came upon a fallen log, snow littered the top of it despite the slightly warmer air of Spring. But the frigid Northern mountains kept everything littered in snow and cold air. He remembered the encounter he had with the Valhallan, Cormalin. Rin found him to be the nicest person he had ever met, and wanted to grow up to have similar morals and values. He wondered what the morals and values of his other siblings would be like, and what they thought things should be like. But alas, he figured they would all want to grow up to be like their Father, and granted so did Rin, but just a little bit different. His thoughts carried him forward, and Rin would bring himself into the log and sniff around. Hidden within the shadows of the moss and possibly bug filled log.


A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens on Grooveshark

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