Sweet resistance
for Jynn
11-28-2024, 08:05 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence
Bending her narrow neck down to sniff the water Jynn didn't notice anything particularly off about the smell or texture of the water so as far as she was aware the color was just the reflecting red light from the strange sun. She left her head lowered, close to the water as she watched a school of sea bass swimming nearby. Slowly they moved closer to her, mistaking her legs and belly fur for shelter. As one neared her head her ears pinned to her scalp and her head dove down sleek as an arrow, jaws parting just wide enough to snag the fish.
With the fish in her jaws she trotted back to the shore as it writhed, tail twisting and nearly hitting her in the face. When she reached the shore she dropped the fish, pinning it with her paw. She saw Nami go back in to get more. "I'm going to take a look at this one quick." She couldn't help herself, she was too curious to see what, if anything, she'd find. Using the blades at the back of her forearm bracers she cut into the gills of the fish, loping the head off.