
Following an Adventerous Heart


12-29-2013, 12:42 AM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

Kili had lost track of his brother yet again. Honestly, it was no longer something he worried over; he knew his sibling would track him down eventually. While they were both rougish, Fili always had had a head for the important things, where as Kili was more than prone to being swept away by fantasies. Always the more excitable, the more unpredictable. Maybe in a year, when he was his brother's age, he would be wiser. For now he planned to enjoy his folly. He lay atop a tall knoll, the highest in the plain, overlooking all that was below him. He had been following this herd for quite some time, and while they would shy off if he drew too close, he was too small to garner real fear. More's the pity, he thought balefully. Nothing would liven my day up quite like a stampede.

So he contented himself with watching the lazy brown beasts mill about. Their large, broad noses made for excellent tools, and Kili wondered if he too could find food that way. Your food can run, his brother's voice sounded off between his ears. Kili rolled his eyes, stood, and shook out his coat. Enough laying around! He wanted to do something. Mid-shake, his bright cerulean eyes fell upon a new sight. It had not been there before, but surely now it had become a wolf! Grinning from ear to ear, Kili bounded down the hill, rounded a corner, and came to a skidding halt before what he then saw was a fae. "Kili of Durin, at yer service!" he said proudly, bowing before the dusky fae. "Any chance you've seen a sandy wolf, my size, grey eyes?" If he was lucky she had, and he'd be able to find Fili before Fili found him. He smirked at the thought.

"Talk." Think. "You."