
Don't Play With Fire Or You WILL Get Burned...



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-29-2013, 01:24 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2014, 10:02 PM by Sin.)
Ooc: If anyone other then Isardis enters without my permission, they will face dire consequences.

The lands were not new to him. He had been stalking around for quite some time, invisible in the shadows. He sought but only one person, and if he did not show then Sin would take matters into his own paws. He'd seek out the one man that he had been seeking for some time now, and he was growing impatient. It was never wise to keep Sin waiting, he could be a foul creature. A creature of your worst nightmares...he disliked the waiting game...He cared not for anyone else that would decide to approach, he would not waste his breath on those unworthy of so much as a glance. If all but the one he wanted tried, well then...they would be in for an unwelcome surprise. He didn't care if the entire pack was pissed at his presence on their lands. He had a right. After all, his father was the alpha why the hell was he not rushing to greet his sinister son?

I hope he is not as weak as his presence appears to be...otherwise, who knows what will happen. He'd hiss in his head, a growl rumbling in his throat as he stalked deeper into the lands. Waiting at the border? Please. The waiting game was for fools of which he was not. He eagerly kept venomous eyes on the lookout for the unmistakable pelt of the albino king. Would he come out to play today? He hoped so. If Sin was not that keen on finding him, then he wouldn't waste his time. He should consider it an honor that one such as I am even wasting my time in seeking him out...he best not keep me waiting.
