
Don't ask why



Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

2 Years

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
11-30-2024, 07:56 PM

Ollie's assessment of the boy continued as he slowly lowered his side next to Selene's limp body. Hoping to share a little of his warmth against the cold ground. After Citadel shook his head and placed his paw back down Oleander turned back to Selene's small form. Her sides slowly rose and fell.

Ollie brought his viridian gaze back to the young prince as he broke his silence. Poor kid was probably really worried. He had a dilemma before him, tell the truth about how these things were always tricky? Or should he be confident about her recovery? His own brief seconds of silence as he weighed the options were probably more telling then he meant them to be.

"Injuries around someone's head can be pretty risky-" He went with the honest but hopeful route, just like their first day on his apprenticeship. "Moving her is going to be the riskiest part. You did a great job making sure she didn't lose too much blood. There are a few outcomes that can happen with injuries like this. The best option will be that she wakes up in a few hours with a nasty headache, and probably an upset stomach for a while. She might be confused, her vision might be affected, she might not remember much, who knows. Another option is she takes a bit longer to wake up. It's impossible to know how long. But if we're careful while we transport her and let her rest as much as possible we'll hopefully avoid the worst option and she'll eventually recover just fine." He replied with his frank but warm demeanor. Citadel was young, yes, but it had become increasingly obvious he hated being treated like a child. "So long answer, she'll be okay if she wakes up soon." Ollie said.

Jace appeared over the rise with a large piece of leather flying behind him. Finally! The little raccoon panted hard and drooled through the leather as he finally placed it down and flopped onto his pale side to catch his breath. Ollie placed a dark nose on his small friend's cheek to praise him for a brief moment.

Now for the tricky part.
"Okay, we want her head to move as little as possible. We can carefully work together to shuffle her on top of this." Yeah, she was definitely small enough for Oleander to carry. Though Citadel was getting up there, he didn't want to put his patients life in the a child hands quite yet. He laid out the leather sheet next to Selene's limp body then placed himself over her head.

"Okay, We gotta try to work carefully together. Can you take her back legs and we can slowly slowly drag her just a little above the ground onto the leather? I got her head and neck and Jace here will help with her middle. Yeah?" He asked his apprentice.
