
血が支配すると炎が燃える(Blood Will Reign And Fi



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-29-2013, 03:24 AM
OOC: I apologize for the rough translation, the Japanese in me calls for a title in my language. ;)
Sin Armada

The dull screech of claws on the smooth wood of a pine caved under his force. The marks of his sharpened claws digging deep into the pathetically weak mold of natures creation. But it would seem he was much more powerful, much more...dangerous then anything nature could send upon the Earth's inhabitants. He could just as easily pluck the life of another the same a hurricane or earthquake could do, or the same way a freak accident of nature could steal the life of an innocent. Fire was the greatest enemy of any wolf...and Sin? He was a close second. A smirk lifted the corner of his lips as his paws touched back on the cold ground, the trail of many underneath his own untainted stilts. Crimson marks a stark contrast against the blanket of white that covered the lands around him.

Rattlesnake gaze fell upon a single figure scurrying past his feet to take shelter among the roots of a nearby tree. With a single movement, his paw would strike out, trapping the tiny creature 'neath a slender paw. Grasping his prey, he'd lift it by the tail, gaze unfaltering as it fell upon the foolish mouse. "You poor, foolish creature...what would possess you to cross my path? Food? Shelter? The subconscious need to tempt fate? Well then, you've met your fate. Welcome to Hell." With a cruel grin and bout of laughter, teeth snaked forward to take a slow and brutal bite to the creatures head. Tiny bones crunching, the pitiful squeal of the mouse screaming in the air. He knew he was causing it slow pain, taking his time before allowing it to fully die. But alas, the temptation of blood was too much. And finally, he'd take it into his mouth with a single swallow. Blood stained lips were swiped once with his tongue, though traces of blood still remained.

Don't cross my path unless you want to get burned. He'd laugh silently within his head, sending invisible warnings to the departed soul of the pathetic creature.