Should she sit? Stand? Go closer? Stay off to the side? Bramble's mind reeled as their father addressed them. Oh my god, would I be able to hide my own dead bodies? Her brain nearly screeches at the idea. Dusk appears to take it stride, her mirth apparent as she replies. Bramble is still balking at the idea that she would have to ask her father for help burying a body. No, she would definitely go to Dusk first. Less explaining in the long run with that route.
Staring blankly ahead, she starts when Dusk waves her forward. Yes, right, promotions. Why did this feel so hard? Her breath is sharp as she steps forward, closer, but doesn't take a seat. Instead, stands tall and as straight as possible while she mentally readies herself. This wasn't like when they turned one and got to choose what path they wanted to take. This was a very serious ask!
"Tati, I want to know what steps I have left to take to be a member of your Council." The words rush so quickly from her lips that she doesn't really know if she actually said them out loud. But now that it was out, she felt relief wash over her. Shoulders relax slightly as she shifts her gaze over to Dusk. "We, Dusk and I, think we're ready," Bramble nods, trying to smile, but she feels it falter as her gaze flicks back over to Artorias.
coded by NachoMumma
bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.