holidays bring out cousins you never even knew
Eudora x Kostas x Erebros
12-01-2024, 02:01 PM
When Erebos addresses them, Eudora forgets about silently torturing her brother. The embarrassment would surely come later, she had no doubt in that. It doesn't help that when Erebos speaks her name, a visceral shiver runs down her spine, warming her belly, and drying her mouth. Not that she was used to deep baritones of masculine prowess, but his seemed different. That of a true Patriarch.
Pushing it aside as she follows, her eyes widen in excitement as he shows them to carefully crafted and stocked dens. Had the Elders informed Erebos and Enyo of their likes, wants, and needs? Or had he simply guessed correctly? A gleeful smile licks her latte-colored lips as she looks to Erebos. "We appreciate the generosity, Patriarch," her warms tones take on a sultry note as she steps forward toward the dens and favors. A nice, stiff drink was something she hadn't had in awhile and looked forward to.
Before moves to accept her bottle of delicious coffee flavored wine, Eudora looks to the other three. "Enyo, will you be joining us?" A subtle raise of her brow as her gaze lingers on the female before looking from her brother and lastly to Erebos. She didn't expect the Patriarch to linger for surely he was busy, but she would appreciate company other than her twin's - he could be quite the party pooper from time to time!
"It would be good if we got to know each other better in a more personal setting," Eudora purrs, her smile staying upon her features before she moves to get comfortable and begin to unwind. "Surely we can be politicians and leaders and the like tomorrow, no?" She speaks sweetly, batting her lashes at the masculine trio who surely could not say no to such a pretty lady. Right?
Italics denotes Greek