
Swinging from the Castles


12-30-2013, 12:42 PM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

For all that Aranya yearned to see her brother, their mother and father, she would not curse this meeting. Birch was more than she ever could have hoped for, and she felt like howling her joy to the heavens. She pressed herself close to the male and said, "We will find them again someday, brother." To hear of his joining a new pack piqued her interest. A thousand questions fluttered through her brain, one after another, like leaves swirling down a raging creek. Where had they been, and why had he joined them? Had he found a mate, did Aranya have nieces or nephews running about in the world? Birch's sadness was her own as he spoke of his misfortune, and she offered him what silent comfort she could. "There are many packs here in Alacritis," she said, having met quite a few wolves in her travels. "But I haven't gone to any with the intent of settling yet. I've been wandering mostly, for the past three moon or so."

Aranya wavered, wondering if she should tell her brother about the young wolf she had been working to recuperate practically since she'd arrived. If she told him everything, how they shared a den and hunted together and everything, he would surely turn it into something more, if he was still anything like his younger self. We're just friends! Aranya thought, defending her actions to herself, fur heating the smallest bit. Just friends, right? Maybe she shouldn't tell Birch, just yet. Just in case! I mean, there was no rush, right? They had a lot of catching up to do and she wasn't even sure where Nuka was right now. So that settled it, Birch didn't need to know just yet, because it wasn't like she was doing anything wrong. Just friends. "So," she said quickly, to cover up the awkward silence. "Where do we go from here?"

"Speech," Think