
Feel Good Inc.


12-29-2013, 11:42 AM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

Aranya broke through a line of thick brush, and stumbled into a small clearing. It seemed to worm it's way down the hill side and fill the gully below her. The snow was thin here, with spring just around the corner. Already she smelled the life of the land returning in the air. The dead sprigs of last years growth spurted up under the white blanket, and not two looked to be the same species. Birds twittered to one another in the branches above her, and squirrels called out warning of her presence. She smiled. This will surely be a wonderful, verdant place when it wakes, she mused.

The girl turned to look over her shoulder, scanning the thicket behind her, looking for her copper hued friend. She had seen the male not long ago, hot on her heels, but for now he seemed to have vanished. The past weeks they had spent in each others company had been some of the most fun she could remember. The companionship of another was something Aranya valued greatly, and Nuka had provided friendship on top of it. She had grown rather fond of him, and dreaded the day when they would part ways. He seemed to be nearly at full strength once more, so it could not be far off. She shook the thought from her head and called out, "Nuka? Where'd you go?" She decided she would cross that matter when it came, and enjoy the time she had.

"Speech," Think