



Master Fighter (290)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredOoh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
Yesterday, 10:00 PM

he was the king, she was his sword


enyo knew more than anyone who he really was. behind it all-, enyo saw the many shades of him that he kept normally at bay. under control and tamed. his emotional outpour may of been surprising but it was not the first. he confided in her for many things.. however, never so much about his love life. alas, his sister was given the very key he kept and hid away from everyone else.

and once she did see his looming shadows, she said only the rightest of things. her words clear as clean water while they purified through his fogginess. she provided a light to follow, to carry & know. and this, he would forever be grateful for. enyo was as well versed as him in such matters; and he knew that all she said was only truth. marriage was in fact a tactic that the dunamis used for greater gain of the whole. enyo displayed amazing loyalty to him in this instance then, giving her own allegiance in the end should he choose to live by his darker desires for once.

sometimes.. he felt enyo was suppose to take his place, had she been born a male. but these gentle gems of ponderous wonder never left his mind. how dearly he yearned to connect with enyo on a deeper level.., a level he had no experience, no clue on how to navigate. so all he could say was nothing. nothing at all.

his mother made sure to place a lasting wound on him- ensuring he spent his life healing it. did enyo suffer inside too? he could never ask her. but he sudden yet slowly lifts himself before coming toward's enyo, his wide head angled down as his eyes closed. a form of trust he held only for his littermate,- and with a sigh, he attempted to slam his body firmly against her own. his nares flaring her scent as he sat there, muscular arms rising slowly to envelope her in a tight embrace. and for some time, he held her. loving her silently as he breathed through his frustration and entrapped feelings. he was not so hallow then.

pulling back now, he sat before her with a soft but serious gaze. "Ήσασταν εκεί από την αρχή. Και θα ανέβεις στην κορυφή μαζί μου(You have been there since the beginning. And you will rise to the top with me)." he said, letting his deep voice sail over her. "Θα είστε δεύτεροι υπεύθυνοι για όλα τα θέματα που αφορούν την οικογένεια και τη φυλή μας εδώ έξω. Θα τους ξεπεράσεις μαζί μου. Και δεν θα περνάς πια τις μέρες σου λιγότερα, επειδή είσαι η αδερφή μου(You will be second in charge of all matters regarding our family and clan here on out. You will above them with me. And no more will you spend your days being less because you are my sister)." he watched her then with pensive eyes, looking at her with rare admiration and sincerity.


Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]