
Dark Abyss



12-29-2013, 01:17 PM

Enola had been wandering along the treeline of the northern forest in Seracia, nose taking in the warm air. Little did she know Winter was just about over, within a few days the snow would completely melt, and plant life would spring back to life. For now all she worried about was sniffing the trees, pressing her cheek against the bark to feel the texture, and even giving it a lick to see if she could eat it, quickly discovering that it was quite disgusting.

About an hour outside the child would thinking she was out long enough, the cold starting to get to her flesh, freezing. So she would turn around, following the scent trail she had left while checking out the small forest, a small bounce in her step. A few feet from her home though she would suddenly freeze, a screech from the air above her making her tail tuck in between her legs, nearly touching her stomach. Never had she heard such a sound, and she didn't want to hear it again either.

All of a sudden the pup would feel a sharp pain in her shoulder, talons attempting to grab the pup and fly over by not getting a god enough grip. Enola would yelp in pain, getting lifted off the ground about two feet before getting dropped. Immediately she would take up in fear, little paws drumming against the ground, heading in the opposite direction of home and right towards the lake.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3