
Fading World


12-29-2013, 02:28 PM

When her mother had called for someone named Gerhardt, it didn't take long for the pup to figure out who Gerhardt was; her stepfather, her mother's mate. With a tiny cry of alarm when she realized her mother was in pain, the pup jumped up from watching a nest of ants carrying food along. Her white paws squished the creatures, except for a few that escaped, but Silveris didn't care. This was too important! MOM! The quiet howl escaped her jaws in a rush of panic. Was this the siblings that her mother had told her about? The tiny pup skidded to a halt outside.....Or tried to. She fell inside just as the last pup came. Silveris watched her mother look at the brown male. Then, eyes would switch to the pups. One had the same brown color as the male. The brown male was Gerhardt. He was her father.

Bi colored eyes looked at the face of her father, taking in every detail. Then her eyes switched to the tiny pup, and she stared at him for a moment. Then, her eyes switched to Loccian as her head hit the ground. Panicked, Silveris tried to meet her father's eyes. Nobody moved, except for her. Why didn't anybody do something? Mother! The cry escaped her lips, revealing that his was the queen's daughter. Eyes watched her mother's head, wishing for any sign of movement. When she spotted Loccian's sides moving, she relaxed. Eyes faced Themisto in a subsiding panic.
Will.....Will mom be......Will mom....Will mom be Ok....Okay? She whimpered, stumbling and breaking off the sentence several times due to a slight fear for her mother.

Her eyes noticed a pup, Daedalus. While Faolan might protect Enola, Silveris would protect this little male pup. He would never feel the pain of teeth biting him, claws scratching him. He would feel the pain of loss, but Silveris would try to help that. Moving towards the pup, Silveris lowered her head and licked his head a little. Then she glanced up and looked at all the wolves. It was time to introduce herself. She stepped away from the pup and glanced at Gerhardt. I guess I should introduce myself already, right? I'm Silveris Latchme, and I'm here because....Because Loccian adopted me as her own pup. She said.

She glanced at the others once more, before settling down next to her mother.

"She speaks"