Don't ask why
12-07-2024, 10:47 PM
Ollie checked her over again, barely taking notice of Citadel settling in on the other bed. He parted the lips on her maw to check the status of her gums, still bright and pink. All good signs. He parted her eyelids one eye at a time and they still held no response to the light filtering into them. Her breathing was fairly even, if a little rapid every fourth breath or so. He gently placed his ear over her heart and determined that she still had a good strong heartbeat.
"All right, she's transitioned well. Now all we gotta do is..." Oleander chewed on the inside of his cheek and glanced at Vesper, then Citadel then the opening to the clinic. He sighed- "Tell the parents and wait for her to wake up." He blew air through his lips, trying to steal himself some peace before he brought the news to the Warlord and Consort.
He walked out of the clinic, intent on finding the leaders of the armada, to tell them that their other princess was in a coma now. Though he was fairly certain she wouldn't be out for too long. He didn't know which leader's reaction he dreaded more.