we know its broken, but here we are
The spitfire is outraged as he pivots and pins her down. Under him, she lashes out and struggles against his girth! He'll pay for this! Why was everyone constantly trying to keep her from breathing?! Her eyes went wide as she continued to struggle. Her back legs tried to kick as she gasped for air. Suddenly he relented and she scrambled to her feet coughing and growling. Gasping for the air he had cut off. One paw swiped at the space had had just occupied, barely missing him as he murmured defeat. Her nose is high in triumph, a snarl still plastered there as he bows his head. He had made a grievous error in shaming her, pittying her. This was no proper win. But he said the words, and she wouldn't give him a chance to take them back.
A smirk lit her features as she caught the sudden realization in his gaze of what his defeat truly meant.
"I. win." She sneered, attempting a dangerous look in her puppy eyes. One day those eyes would be far more formidable. "Now, you're mine and I get to take you home! Come!" She bobbed her head back and forth with barely contained glee and began leading him out of the cave. She imagined the looks on her sibling's faces when she would parade her very own sidi before them.
.: Rated M Character :.