
My devil danced with his demon.


12-29-2013, 07:26 PM

They had a small conversation between themselves, and soon the white wolf with the strange marking told him he had impressed the one named Eulari and he dipped his head low to the big woman, a small smile on his features as he responded to her respectfully, I will, My word is my life, without it I would be nothing more then a sack of meat and bones with nothing underneath but the muscles and tendons that move me... He said to her before the woman named Roman, though he quickly noted that both woman were named Armada, a strong name in the land which he assumed was a family name, though they didn't really seem to know this.

As soon as the white marked woman left he turned his large head to the russet woman with an attentive pose that would have struck one as near militant. A silent moment passed before she announced for him to follow, she would show him the lands he had just been accepted into. Eulari announced that if he wanted a higher rank he would have to talk to her father who was known to be a tad bit intimidating. I shall seek him out soon, best to get settled before trying to take on a full plate... For now I think I'll just find a place to rest my head... Maybe meet a few of the locals... Dexter stood to follow her as his tail wagged in a slow steady manner that indicated his pleasure in how things had gone thus far.