
The Unraveling - It Creeps



Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
12-11-2024, 11:32 AM
Strange. He watches one girl offer the creature a morsel, too small to be very nutritious—and yet it takes the offering with some form of… sentience, perhaps. He doesn’t dwell long on that fact though seeing as hell breaks loose moments later. Instead he keeps a steady pace at the beast’s side, watching the attacks and the yelling of protestation from a few select wolves. Circus, monkeys, Setekh cares not.

Setekh’s molten gaze glowed with amusement as his son’s voice rang out above the chaotic mash up of noise and violence. Laniatus’ excited growl and that devilish grin were just as he recalled, layered with thrill and loyalty. A good son, a heart after his own. Setekh chuckled softly at his son’s words, the sound deeply satisfied. His tail swayed behind him as he watched his son’s assault on the beast, purposefully escalating the situation. It seemed as though his dear Laniatus wanted nothing more than his pound of flesh today, and he’d have it.

“Busy, indeed.” Setekh murmured to himself, a grin spreading across his inky lips as his voice raised to address his son directly. “Perhaps I’ll join you.” He didn’t step forward, not yet. Instead, he lingered at the edge of the fray, molten eyes darting between the abomination and those who challenged it. He studied the worm’s movements, the lashing tendrils, the range it could strike and the speed of attacks. If it would be a fight, Setekh would cater to the bloodshed.

Then without further ado, the Ivory God lunged, flanking, aiming to take advantage of an already open gash, jaws snapping to tear at the hole and widen it further.

"speaking" | voices

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.