


03-12-2013, 08:17 PM
OOC Name: Darkmoon
How did you get here?: DJ drug me along
Age: 18
PvP: semi-realistic

Character's Name: Valkur
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: Medium
Appearance description: The broken remains of some man. The boy looks sickly, starved, malnourished. Hardly alive, his he extremely scrawny. Something that crawled out from the darkest pits of this world. He seems to be nothing, nothing but a pitiful shadow. Lurking through the world, with little purpose, hardly any meaning to his wretched life. Pure white covers his skin, the thin hairs barely an excuse for a coat. Valkur looks ghostly, as if he would disappear before your eyes if you touched him. Being extremely skinny, his hip bones protrude from his body. Ribs visible, face sunken in and thin. Eyes of ice, that of which matches his heart stare back at you from a torn up face. The most visible scars he has on his body is the one across his left eye and the one on his muzzle. The scars are deep, the fur hardly growing back around them. He lurks through this world like a shadow, a phantom, a snake. Often low to the ground, head hung making his shoulders stand up. Ears pinned most of the time, he doesn't have any confidence radiating from his form. Nothing but mysterious vibes of darkness and death. Uncertainty filling those light blue eyes.