Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within
Judilian Band Meeting
Fairytale was starting to feel much better, although it had taken time and quite a bit of rest, she still felt the taste of that caribou occasionally that would cause the woman’s stomach to tumble and knot up. Everything was once more falling into place; sure, they had to move due to what had taken place within Forgotten Isle. And Fairytale was slightly worried about what had all taken place there but was not about to overstep her boundaries with her friend and boyfriend. No, that would not sit correctly with her. The small woman has not seen Vayne around lately and hoped that the larger brute was all right. Her tail danced around behind her as the call of her friend echoed out over the land. She pranced quickly towards where Atreyu had stood. Her ears twitching to her, knowing that the woman has captured within thought lately.
Her tail fell silently still behind her – her eyes locking onto Atreyu her dearest friend, and then towards where the others were. She allowed a chuff of a greeting forth. A smile placed among her facial features as she came up to where Atreyu was, lowering down upon her hind quarters, but giving her friend a little space. She known that leading wasn’t no easy task. But if any one could ever do it it was Atreyu. Atreyu proved that time and time again to the band.