
Swinging from the Castles


12-29-2013, 10:10 PM
The snarl that erupted from Aranya's mouth went ignored by the russet and snow colored wolf. He was so happy to finally see his sister, after all this time. His tail wagged wildly behind him as he looked down at her form. My how she had grown into a stunning wolfess. How he had missed her so terribly, and now that he had found her he was overjoyed, body bubbling over with happiness. As she wriggled out from under him Birch took a step back, a large grin on his face as he looked upon her.

Once Aranya was able to see that it was him she likewise flung herself at him. Nuzzling, nipping, and pawing happily at his form. Birch lovingly returned the attention, playful nips aimed at her ears and face. Their happy reunion was certainly one to be celebrated. He only wished that he was able to give her more good news on their family.

"I'm afraid that I come alone, Aranya. You're the first I've met up with again." He gave her a loving nuzzle to the neck before he spoke again. "I've missed you all terribly too... especially you, Aranya." His smile had faded for a moment. "I had found a pack to join for a short while... but I didn't truly felt happy there. It was only my loyalty to the alpha that kept me there for so long. But his pack fell apart around him. I stayed with the poor brute until he died... and then set out to do what I should have done in the first place. Try and find the family again."

After Birch finished speaking his smile returned. "But it doesn't matter about the past now. We're together again! This time nothing is causing me to lose you again." Birch bounced a bit on his paws. "How long have you been here? Have you settled in anywhere yet?"