Seize the bay!
12-16-2024, 02:44 PM
A small blur of color came barreling towards her and Dusk thought that she saw it nod, but she didn't reciprocate. She was in battle mode and a nod would have been a waste of time and effort. A horned head lowered and The Hallows fae squared herself, stance widening and her body dipping down slightly. She took the hit to the shoulder, leaning into it, actually. The horns would have bounced off of the leather covered steel that draped over the front of that shoulder.
Anticipating a slow in speed from her attacker, Dusk arced her maw downward, intending to place a bite just behind the smaller fae's skull. She would try to apply enough pressure with her hyena-like jaws to keep her opponent still, but not enough to harm her.
Dusk vs Fuji for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Cat O' Nine Tails
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: Groove-billed Ani, Male, Flying
Companion 2: House Cat, Female, Battle
*Companion 3: Canis Panther dog, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Antlers - Defensive
Mutation 2: Stronger teeth/jaws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Retractable claws - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Knight