Seize the bay!
12-16-2024, 06:13 PM
Kina poured over the texts and maps her egret companion had found for her. Though she couldn't quite understand them in their entirety, at least not yet, she felt like she was getting closer. She devoted most of her waking moments to study, trying to absorb as much information as she possibly could. It was rough going. So much so that she was almost glad for the distraction of the friendly raid. She heard the call of the Hallows leader and quickly set about preparing herself. She did not yet have armor or a weapon to her name so she gathered her companions and headed to the battlefield. This would be a good opportunity to observe what others used so she could take note and have her macaque build something worthy of her.
By the time Kina arrived most of the wolves were engaged with opponents. Spying a tall man about her size and build who had yet to have an opponent she swiftly set her defenses. She sprinted toward the man, angling in toward his right knee. Her head lowered as her jaws flung wide. Her jaws attempted to latch onto his right kneed, her lower jaw on the outside and her upper jaw on the inside. In the same motion she attempted to stab her horns into his side for the simple act of rotating her head to bite would force her horns toward her opponent.
Kina vs Quill for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Companion 1: Little Egret, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Female Japanese Macaque, 20" - Battle
Mutation 1: Enhanced Vision - Perception
Mutation 2: Reinforced Bones - Defensive
Mutation 3: Eland Horns - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard