
Buns in the Oven


12-29-2013, 11:23 PM

This strange creature seemed content to join her, stepping from his perch and moving to her side in a manner that seemed quite outlandish to her. He inquired something, and she was appalled at her own lack of manners for not stating as such earlier. She fumbled to reply, a soft sheepish grin playing at her features as ethereal tones filled the air. "My apologies, Sir, my name is Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka, but call me Aurora." She replied swiftly, her lightly accented Russian tongue not faltering on a single whispery syllable. Padding forward, she was slow in her gait, unsure of how comfortable the lemur would be with her normal pace, which looked to many like a trot. Broad paws struck the terra silently, muffled even further by the grass underfoot so she appeared to glide. Tall audits were perked, alert for any sounds which could allude to the presence of sustenance. Long tail swept across her tall heels as she moved, twin raven's feathers twirling about in an erratic ballet from their place buried within her flesh. Moonstone orbs scanned the terrain, eager to find something to eat, to quell the incessant growling of her stomach. A few rodents scuffled about, but she knew better than to expend her energy on something that would not even put a dent in her hunger. Soon she was draped in the shadows of the forest she had come out of, listening intently for ungulates, which seemed like they would fit perfectly for what she was feeling in her abdomen.

"So Zabu, what is it that your kind eat? You seem to have teeth which could allow you to eat meat, yet you taste like pure vegetation." She murmured, looking to her companion with a brow raised quizzically. She was quite curious, her infinite mind eating up information that could help her if she were to meet a creature like this in the future. Still completely attuned to the world around her, she waited calmly for a reply that would no doubt be interesting.