
Monsters In Broad Daylight


12-30-2013, 01:07 AM

It was amusing really, the way they all banded together, so tiny and pathetic, thinking they could take her on. She may be out numbered, but she was smarter, faster, trained. Fangs glinted in the soft light of the moon as a third sibling appeared, more pointless words spewing from their lips. It all went in one ear and out the other. Her weight would shift, nonchalantly spreading her limbs, tail flicking behind her, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.

One pup in particular stood out to her. The chocolate speckled female. She acted as though she ruled the world already. She could feel their eyes memorizing her every detail, down to her very scent. One day, the girl would pay, just her in particular. Cold plans formed for each of the pups, each would suffer in a different way. Cruelty danced in her icy pools, audits falling back against her skull. Hackles began to rise along her neck and spine.

Why don't you cross the border?" If the girl wanted to play then she would need to come out from behind her safety net and into the real world. Toes flexed against the earth, her head dropping to become level with her spine. She was growing tired of this, it was rather boring now, it was becoming clear that they were harmless pups, fresh out of the den. If the girl didn't act, then she would move onto bigger and better things.

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