
Your love is my drug


12-30-2013, 01:16 AM
OOC- figured he was still too young to travel to far, so this will take place some distance from the border ^^

Boredom. It wrecked havoc in her world, putting her on edge. It had been awhile since had run into the pack mutts and frankly that had only provided a few moments of entertainment. Her siblings where hard to come by nowadays, her brother was presumably with their father and her sister was an unknown. Her time was filled with exploring, venturing farther and farther, occasionally passing that pack lands, but never fully exploring it. One day though. She would be certain of it.

Today was no different. The dark girl found herself dozing for a few minutes in the winter sun, enjoying its warmth while it lasted. She found herself in the southern part of Alacritis once more, not to far from the pack. Her goal was to keep going until she was forced to return home.

Limbs stretched, her tail thumping idly against the snow laden earth. She had done her best to clear spot, wanting to be snow free for awhile. Her striped side lifted with easy breathes, charcoal audits twitching to take in the occasional sound. Her body was growing rapidly, but she was still young, far from being full grown. She couldn't wait. If she was anything like her mother, then she imagined herself as being huge, able to take on the world, to strike fear into the hearts of others. The though had a smirk tugging at inky lips. It would be wonderful.

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