
Savin' Me


12-30-2013, 05:00 AM

The sun would sink below the horizon. The light of fire washing over the vast expanse of water that stretched on for endless miles, perhaps even to the edge of the world. Aiden's paws stepped lightly over the black sandy beach, his paws leaving imprints behind him; a trail of his story left behind. He had yet to find his sisters, he had no idea where they were. He didn't even know where to begin looking, and he had not caught hide nor hair or even a whisper of a scent from them. The satchel slung on his back was beginning to die down in supplies, his recent scrap with a very angry and territorial owl forced him to use some of his supply, else he bleed to death.

Amber gaze was cast out towards the bleeding sky, the colors intermixing and creating a painting of nature that had no other comparison at this time. He slowed his pace, the sound of the waves gently lapping at the shore was calming, making him forget the hardships of the last couple years. He couldn't remember when he last saw his siblings, or any of his family...and for the first time in his life, he felt truly alone in life. He was four years old, in a way he had a handicap, and he felt like there was no purpose for him. He took a deep shaky breath, shoulders sagging slightly as his eyes reflected back the beauty that moved slowly before him.

He wished he was as perfect as the sun and the sky, the water and the earth. But instead, he had been cursed with an impurity. A deformity of life. He had thought that he had learned to accept it, but still he could not. He couldn't hunt big game for himself, not if it meant putting his life at risk. He had always wanted to chase and bring down a deer, a boar, a bull, maybe even more dangerous game. In the future, if he ever had kids or a mate...if anything or anyone threatened them, he wanted to fight for his family. And now? If it happened, Aiden would not be able to do anything should a dark force try to steal a future mate, all he would be able to do without putting his life at risk was stand idly by and watch as she was taken away. But those were far off thoughts...what were the chances of him finding a mate anyway? Women usually wanted stronger wolves, men that could protect them. He could hardly hunt for himself unless it was small prey like rabbits, birds, or fish. He couldn't physically protect his future mate, he was useless. Sadness reflected in his eyes, the water and the gulls echoing in his mind.
"Talk here."