

Ares 1


12-30-2013, 05:18 PM

It would tear at the mangled organ he called a heart, the thought of having to leave Devya. He had escaped unnoticed from their den, leaving reluctantly to find the woman who so grudgingly called for him. Artemis had no care for him, not like Devya had. She had nothing like the kindness that the darkly colored she wolf did. She did not own him as she would have liked to think. Devya did. And she always would. Artemis would push herself into his thoughts though, her words like daggers covered in poison as they slashed through his head. ?Three times you have left me, Ares, once, when mother?s kingdom fell; again, when I bested your bitch; and finally, when mother died.? He could feel the tensions rising, and his hackles would instinctively rise as she insulted his whole world. Devya was the only clarity in his world of chaos, and Artemis had no idea. His thoughts would roar at him to set her straight, to yell that she was wrong and foolish to think such thoughts. She and Morphine had abandoned him to find their father. She had pushed him away when she had come to blows with the only light in his life. And she had been the one to turn her tail when their mother had breathed her last. He knew that he would never reach her though. Her thoughts were private and twisted and poisoned to he and Devya. ?But no, Ares, there will not be a fourth time. You are mine as you are my King?s, and I will lead you, unscathed, to him, or drag you to him, battered and bruised. It is your choice, brother; but choose wisely, for you will not sway mine.? He did not belong to her, maybe he had once. That day when they had disobeyed Morphine's direct orders to find themselves in that exact place.
Now though, he had pledged himself to Devya, forever, and he had not a single intention of leaving her, ever. He would spare a dark glance at Codeine, the boy who had said fewer words to him than Artemis. How could Artemis so fault him when it had been he that was abandoned. If they were truly his family they would see that it was Devya that he needed. I am neither yours nor anyone's Artemis. You seem to forget that it was you who left me. He would growl these words, the rage that she inflicted upon him boiling up. And if I have to prove that I don't belong to you, then so be it. But I will not leave Devya with out a fight. She's the only one who has understood me my whole life, and now you want to rip us apart. He could feel his heart beat through his chest, as though it would burst with any moment. It was no longer time to talk, Artemis would never be swayed by anything but his teeth.
With narrowed eyes the boy's ears would fall back and his jaws would gape, pearly incisors glinting menacingly. He would pull his chin in to help protect his neck as his shoulders rolled to do the same. Hackles would bring themselves to a greater height as his spine would straighten and align with his rudder like tail. Pale knees would bend as his toes became splayed and he readied his claws to dig into the earth. Ares would tense his abdomen as he leapt, attempting to close the distance between he and his sister. Trying to come at her angled between her head and right side (her left) He would dig his claws deeply into the dirt with each stride he would focus more upon her shoulder, he would want to hit her with his full weight, to bring her crumbling before him. He would attempt to barrel into her(her left) shoulder with his left shoulder, while simultaneously aiming to hook his right forelimb around her left ankle, in hopes that she would be even more thrown off and would end up beneath him. While he placed his weight in his left side, his jaws would open even more to reach for the tender flesh of her scruff. He wanted to control her, and he wanted to do it now.

Ares v Devya for Freedom

round ONE of TWO
