Massive brown paws followed the curious monochrome male as they set out hunting together. Their quarry had taken them to a lush vibrant garden of spring green. He lifted his nose to scent the air for the massive rodent. He swore he had seen it head this way.
He side-eyed the other male telling his servant dogs to sit low. Probably a wise move if they couldn't be trusted to hunt with them. He squinted his eyes at a bare patch of ground. A track marked into the mud.
Ultyr gave a soft chuff to the other, trying to keep their sounds low to avoid flushing their prey too early. He pointed his nose to the obvious track in the mud for the other to see. Ultyr slunk close to the ground along the tracks.
M and X themes are part of this character.
Both partners Lailah and Ganymede may enter his threads at any time.
Any of Ultyr's children may enter his threads with permission.