"Pretty an' funny. Killer combo." Flurry chuckled, probably more amused than she ought to be. Though the pounding in her head and the continued twisting of her stomach quickly brought reality charging back in, and it was armed!
Flurry wasn't sure eating was what she wanted to do right now but it was something to do and that was almost as important so she dutifully started to gnaw at one of the fish. Which had the unfortunate side effect of putting food in her which was almost certainly destined to come back up sometime later but meant her stomach wasn't drowning in just alcohol now... Clarity. Clarity hurt most of all. She let the comment about the danger hang in the air. She knew that. Flurry was well aware of the side effects of what she was doing, was choosing them over the side effects of sobriety pretty intentionally. Not that she'd be able to do so for much longer... She was out of drink now, she was simply trying to out run what that meant for her a little longer.
"Flurry Fallen...." She finally managed though the sounds of her name seemed to slide around her mouth awkwardly. Fallen at least felt right... She'd never been big on the whole "descended from god" thing but she'd certainly never felt more mortal... More pitiful and broken.
"Can I tell ye a secret Empousa?" She stared into the fire, mind starting to swirl darkly but even still the drink was holding on, obvious in her accent and the way she hit the P on the womans name, with force. "Safer te be drunk. Fer me at least. Drunk ah'm less likely te jus' walk offa the bride and inte the water and not come back." The next thought set her to giggling for a moment. "S'proly more likely fer a wave te come an' get me though." Somewhere Flurry was aware just how dark what she'd said was, but the drink meant that she didn't say it like it was. She said it like it was true. Because it was.